Cash flow secrets guidenote

Cash flow secrets guidenote. I treat trading as a Real Business. 

Most people think the markets are too risky and their approach is hit the traditional sense.


As an entrepreneur I seek opportunities in the market as well as engage in buying and selling activities to generate the highest return on my investment and then simply manage my risk.

My product is options and stocks. I buy and sell them to make money. All businesses buy and sell to make money - I just do it with stocks and options. 

All good businesses manage based on numbers and ratios - I do the  
All businesses plan for profits and create opportunities for the opportunities for the largest return on margin (ROM). Place a trade. Then I simply manage the position and, if necessary, adjust my trading cycle (monthly).

This business will never change... 

The principles, once you learn them are yours forever, grandchildren... the principles will never change because the markets never change, business will never change.

That's why I call it an 'evergreen' business.

Unlike franchises or other types of consumer or business-to-business markets, the stock and option markets haven't changed in 200+ years Stock and Options Trading Business? 

Money market earning 1.5% a year. businesses to invest in... investment was large but so was the investment of time... something so after years of 'hit or miss' trading, I started thinking about trading as a real business - buying and selling stocks and options as a 'business', somebody, somewhere was making a killing in the markets and I was determined to run my trading as a business, not as a gambler, marketplace dynamics and managing my business based on solid business fundamentals: profit, loss, expenses, overhead and return on investment.

This Business can be Managed.The problem with creating a business based on the markets is that which way the market would turn and since I hated the idea of losing money I tried to "predict market direction" because that's how I thought money was made, key to profits... if I could tell where the market was headed it would be easy to make money!

I learned all about waves and candle sticks, MACD, ADX, CCI,  
I thought I 'knew' something about the future of the market!

Frankly, technical indicators are like crutches - they only help to support and validate your trading ideas already formed in your mind, market. 

There are only 3 technical indicators you need to run this business:  
Simple makes me money.

Top Traders NEVER Try to Predict the Market -

They Only Manage Risk.
Most don't care if the market goes up or down - they make money  
All top traders do is manage their risk and take advantage of the only truths of the market - the ONLY absolute truths of the market.

For stocks that ONE Absolute Truth is this...

All stocks fluctuate in price.
For options there are two Absolute Truths...

All options fluctuate in price and
All options expire.
The top traders learn to respect these rules because they are the  
ONLY truths of the market.

Everything you hear about the market outside these 2 rules is hearsay. Frankly, it depends on your capital, ability to learn and your ability to maintain your discipline in this business.

Investment business (even though I had a considerable amount of  learn the skills and reinvest your profits.

I will never say you will make any money with this business because success in your investment business depends on only one thing: The decisions YOU make superior knowledge. 

Once you understand how to REALLY make money, you can trade with total confidence. (certified financial planner) so if you watch the videos and you see I spent over $5,000 on a 'high level', 'super advanced' options trading training program put on by a 25 year veteran - a former floor trader and market maker in options on the CBOE.

Dollars. The Info Taught In Those Seminars!

Money. With a complete trading business system that I think will surprise you  course...

Risky? Would you lik to stop guessing which direction the markets are going in and take the 'professional' approach to trading as a business? Does the idea of managing your business 'by the numbers' make sense.
Does the idea of trading stocks and options as a real business make.  
Introducing...'Trading As a Business' Options Trading Online Video Training Course.The course is organized into 11 "Modules". videos walking you through the topics covered. 

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